Welcome to Creative Inside job, a show by offenders for offenders, I am Cleve Bell and I am accompanied today by Misty Buck, the woman in charge of the marketing at Riverhouse. In today’s episode, I want to start talking about my 49 years of recovery. Certainly, these years have been a process, one that I want to share with you all, and beginning with what I call the introduction, which is accepting how uncomfortable you are in the position that you are at. Listen to today’s episode and let me guide you step by step through my recovery journey.
[1:40] The introduction: the first step towards recovery.
[3:47] How and where am I?
[4:04] What do I do now?
[4:35] Misty talks about the idea and challenges of acceptance.
[7:10] How do you keep yourself out of the “judgment bag”? Humility is the key.
[9:03] Grow where you are planted.
[10:16] Words have a tremendous impact on our lives, depending on how we use them.
[10:50] Start with yourself.
[11:46] The only one I can influence is myself.
[12:41] How to find a new source of inspiration.
[14:51] Finding the good in yourself.
[17:15] Cleve shares his perspective about self-help programs.
[20:23] Cleve shares his first experience at a AA meeting.
[21:40] Celebrate Recovery, a place where you can be both spiritual and honest.
[22:42] Misty shares her thought on the self-help format.
[23:07] Misty talks about her book: Athlete Mental Health Playbook: A guide to mental wellness for athletes
[25:43] One of the most difficult aspects of Cleve’s recovery was asking for help.
[27:30] Drugs and addiction now and five decades ago.
[28:27] “Drugs were a symptom of my problem.”
[29:21] “God Always had his hand on me, I just did not realize it.”
[31:32] An attitude of gratitude.